Beginner Nick Fury event

The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
I know there was a thread yesterday about the energy usage being bugged in this quest but I can't find it.
Was it fixed?

It's the only one left I need to do to get the maximum amount of Intel available


  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Never mind, I literally just saw at the top of the page
  • wilesfoxwilesfox Member Posts: 2
    Does this mean that for those who have used energy and energy refills we will see a refund and/or be compensated?
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,320 ★★★★★

    zuffy said:


    After the release of Nick Fury's Recon Initiatives, we discovered an issue where the 1st quest in the beginner difficulty has more paths than were intended. It's not possible for us to change the Quest Map now, as it could cause knock on issues throughout the rest of the Quest.

    We will be changing the Energy requirement for this single Quest to 0 for all Summoners. Next week will be back to 2 energy per step.

    We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. We will update this thread when we have a timeline for this fix.

    Will I get reimburse for my refill since I did 3 paths so far?

    We're looking into that right now. It will take us some time to find all users that were affected, but we will get you back for that.
  • grud9egrud9e Member Posts: 85
    I got charged energy and had 6 paths to finish also.
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