Updated Five Stars--Act 6 Requirements

Since four stars are now obsolete and unplayable thanks to Act 6's unwarranted champion requirements that limit champs to 5 and 6 stars, will we finally be seeing 4 star exclusive champions make their way to the five star basic pool? Champions like Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Age of Ultron Vision, Abomination, Thor, Doctor Strange, Black Widow, and Joe Fixit who are only available as four stars have served me well in completing much of Act 5 and all of Act 4 (Not Joe Fixit, though I wholeheartedly love the champion). I even use my Scarlet Witch and Vision to clear Epic level content such as Love Is A Battlerealm and this month's Intel event. These champions are so much fun to play and I hate that I can't get them as 5 stars, but I always thought I could still use them in future content. Now that is not the case, I think it's only fair to add them as 5 stars to keep them playable. I understand that the issue of these characters being 'too powerful' to have as 5 stars is often quoted, but I have two counters to that, the first being that Domino and Corvus are both six star champions as are Omega Red and Aegon all of whom are incredibly powerful, my second point is that you claim that they are too powerful to have as five stars, yet we continually face these champions as both five and six stars in monthly and story quests--so they're too powerful for us to have, but not to fight?
*Note: I did not include Electro, Daredevil (Classic), and similar champions that are not available as five stars because they are available as six stars.
*Note: I did not include Electro, Daredevil (Classic), and similar champions that are not available as five stars because they are available as six stars.
There's an entire game outside of that. War, AQ, EQ (all 5 Difficulties), Special Events, Challenges, ROL, LOL.....all that you are able to use 4*s in. They are not obsolete.
Also you can't say 4*'s are unplayable or obsolete when 6.1 is the only place you can't use them. So you really aren't using the right wording. I'm not saying eliminating 4*s is the rigjt move but you are fairly far off on your points here.