AW compensation for Emergency Maintenance

Two days ago we lost an Alliance War. There was emergency maintenance within the last 2 hours of the war that prevented us from 100% completion in all bg’s. Although we did not win the attack bonus, our defender diversity was significantly higher than the other team’s. The bottom line is that if we could have completed the map, we would have won the war. Why have you not reached out to the affected ally’s and attempted to make this right? All of us pay to play this game...


  • bzrk6bzrk6 Member Posts: 6
    Ok well... I did search first and did not find a thread addressing this issue although there’s a YouTube video about it that posted the same night this issue arose. I know there are other affected alliances. Is Kabam going to address this issue with us or are you going to pretend it didn’t happen? Since we all spend plenty of money playing this game, I recommend that the situation be looked into, communicate with us that it is or has been looked into in a timely manner, then be not only fair, but you should consider siding with the players who waste hours of their lives and thousands of dollars playing this game when deciding appropriate compensation or resolution. Our alliance name is (-FAQ-) FORVALOT and I am bzrk6. Thank you!!
  • MrBanksMrBanks Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★

  • bzrk6bzrk6 Member Posts: 6
    How long is it going to take before someone from Kabam responds to this?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    They mentioned in the Thread on the outage that they were dicussing Compensation, but assuming Wins is not something that they can really do. They can't say one side should have won. That's not something data can be drawn on for.
  • bzrk6bzrk6 Member Posts: 6
    Ok thanx GroundedWisdom!! Didn’t know there was a thread for it already? I’ll see if I can find it?
  • Danklacrank1Danklacrank1 Member Posts: 61
    With under 10 min left lost level 3 team revive and multple level 4 health potions which which I paid good money for. It would let me use them but then couldn't fight boss and kept taking health it was very annoying i def could of taking boss down.
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