Capitain Marvel Spanish version.

Dear kabam, today is the international women’s day, and i think is a good day to fix the dialectic problem with the capitain marvel in spanish version. At the moment you r using “capitan Marvel (Clasica)” but “Capitan” in spanish is for “he”. The correct form is “Capitana”. i know probably is a litle thing but i think is important. Thank you up front. Regards
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Tampoco digo que sea algo urgente.
Its a gender topic. I dont say its more important than lag and server issues. I think its relevant from the dialectic.
Im not saying its urgent.
"Captain" can be used for both gender's, in english.
In Portuguese:
- "Capitão" means a male captain.
- "Capitã" means a female captain.
Yeh ... The name of the movie here is "Capitão Marvel" , which may be a reason for it to be that way in the game as well
We discussed with our translators and since "Capitan" can be used for both male and female, that was the option we chose. Hope that helps clarify!