If you are taking about 4*, just it one whoever you like.
I used my 5* generic on Stark, and it is really a huge boost to his damage. I passed on AA because I have a 4* awakened, which now is completely worthless in act 6 so... maybe just do what feels right.
SS is a beast but does the job anawakened. AA needs it and whilst you may not use him as much when he works he does his job better then any other champ in the game
Very difficult question. All great and all better awakened. I chose Magik cause I see more uses for her overall. Sparky is good enough sleeping and AA is great only when the stars line up. (Cough, Nick Fury, cough)
I'm not gonna vote on this one, because I think they're all great options. Really, I would use it on the one you like the most and are planning to max out first.
same for magik actually
I used my 5* generic on Stark, and it is really a huge boost to his damage. I passed on AA because I have a 4* awakened, which now is completely worthless in act 6 so... maybe just do what feels right.