Help selecting five star champs to rank 4+

StarlordisWickedStarlordisWicked Member Posts: 295
I have expiring t2a and need to figure out some long term strategies. I’ve been surviving on a stable of maxed out four star god tier champs but need to upgrade my five star roster to finish exploring act v, alliance war defense, etc.

Who is worthy of a rank 4 (other than aa, Hyperion and SL who are already rank 4). I’ll have the resources to finally rank 5 a champ next month but I was waiting for blade, stark spidy, domino or Corvus initially. I could take half these champs to rank 3 and not lose any sleep, but I really want to be careful with my t2a while at the same time build up my roster. Any advice is appreciated. Normal frustrations apply - 43 five star champs and not a single mystic worthy of rank 2!


  • Wally_WooferWally_Woofer Member Posts: 195
    edited March 2019
    The next 3 in the lineup...but Sabertooth goes really well with Killmonger and Void. You have the unholy trinity.
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