Abomination on biohazard and nano-plague

So in uncollected there’s an Abomination on the biohazard path. That path also has the nano-plague node, which iirc is new to the uncollected buff edition. I was wondering how everyone dealt with this?
I was thinking Nebula with PM synergy: shrug off those shock debuffs > stack them above the 10 you already have > parry and use sp1 or if possible and preferred sp2.
For future biohazard (with other buff) paths I would like to know if there are other counters which were used this uc edition 👍
I was thinking Nebula with PM synergy: shrug off those shock debuffs > stack them above the 10 you already have > parry and use sp1 or if possible and preferred sp2.
For future biohazard (with other buff) paths I would like to know if there are other counters which were used this uc edition 👍
(Fyi I’ve already finished that path, was just curious to the various options).