Alliance Update

Hi all :) So I really hope this gets to the developers because I think it would be a nice little breath of fresh air for at least the veterans. My suggestion in which I will provide a bit more detail down below is to give the whole Alliance tab a bit of a revamp maybe add a couple features and fix a minor bug or two. I do understand that this isn't a big priority compared to everything else but it's something I thought would be worth considering maybe. Some examples that I've thought about and I'm sure the community and the developers could add more perspective to this then I could.

General Tab: With this tab I feel like it's pretty on point honestly. I couldn't really think of much for it, maybe adding more character space in the description.

Members: This tab is kinda the big one. My suggestion for this was maybe adding a higher member cap. Not a ton maybe like 5 members more? The biggest one here that I think should get attention is adding potentially a Co-Leader position. Multiple alliances in the game can have a group of active players but then the leader goes inactive and nobody knows why and he/she never comes back. Nobody has the power to kick the Leader or demote him not even the Officers (rightfully so) but adding a Co-Leader position could limit this problem more. There's plenty of evidence that supports this idea. I'm sure the developers can come up with how to deal with the specifics but this can really help regulate a variety of situations.

Help: A probably popular idea I imagine you guys already know about is adding a "Help All" button instead of "Help 4" permanently which comes in handy when trying to send help to 143+ help requests. I see no reason why this cannot be implemented. On the same page of this function there is a bug that I have experienced occasionally where you are sorting through all the requests and you hit the "Help 4" button and it doesn't actually clear the requests. Hit the button as many times as I like and nothing happens so I have to go through and hit each request individually.

Treasury: I personally like how this is set up as is but to be fair my alliance does not require donations so I haven't spent much time in this tab in quite awhile. From memory of the last time I did everything seemed pretty clear and smooth. Those members that do deal with donations I imagine might have an idea to help improve I would like to invite you to Comment on here.

Well this was my big suggestion that I would love to see. I'd be happy just getting some sort of peace of mind that this is something that has been thought about at least just to know that these kind of things that don't get much attention haven't been completely forgotten about like the Base tab lol. Thanks for your time and I strongly encourage everybody to boost this post up because I feel like this would be a great refresher for everyone :)
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