killerdaal360killerdaal360 Member Posts: 20
When his glaive charges are refreshing, it was written that he would take an amount of damage (very little) and then it wears off. But for instance, you're fighting against iceman and you used all the charges and iceman inflicts coldsnap on him, he takes massive damage. I don't understand why.


  • killerdaal360killerdaal360 Member Posts: 20
    When you're fighting against corvus he's immune to the debuffs.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,763 ★★★★★

    When glaives immunity is down, CG takes normal damage from debuffs. When glaive immunity recharges, you take 120.70 damage (on my R5). Not that he takes overall a little damage. Reread his abilities.
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    when you have charges and you get knocked out or something he does purify the debuff for a little amount of health

    when your glaives is off you take damage from debuff normally
  • killerdaal360killerdaal360 Member Posts: 20
    Cool, thanks guys!
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