How should I feel about my newest 6 star? Any advice on his uses would be much appreciated. I don’t know much about him. Attacker? Defender? Good for specific nodes?
He’s situational. He does have his uses. Most will tell you he’s trash but that’s not true. Decent power control and heal blocker if needed. Doesn’t hit hard because he’s a utility guy. Overall not a bad pull since it can be a lot worse but not the greatest pull either. I’m happy with mine.
@Smash Ok if he is not trash why don’t I ever ever use him? I have him 6* duped. Never use him in eq, aq, aw, dungeons. I don’t even use him if I need to refresh 6* for arena run. AND HE IS DUPED, so his PI is great for points but he can’t kill anything (even w/ class advantage and w/ suicides) within a fairly reasonable amount time. And I really really would like to use him (he is a duped feature 6*!!!) but all the “utility” he can bring doesn’t make up for how weak he is.
I would never ever bring him to map 7 and he should be great against regen crazy mini boss omega red. He isn’t. Never would use him for ANY special event quests. And for all the armor he has should be able to take a few hits and have great block pro, but HE DOESNT for any type of tough hard hitting content. He seems to die just as quick as any champ that isn’t a glass cannon.
Trust me I want to believe he is a good champ and not trash, Did I mention I have him duped. But he is garbage, u won’t use him unless you have a very weak roster or doing map 5 or less, or doing heroic event quests. I lobbied numerous people times for at very very least a offensive synergy boost, we got he can be unstoppable while charging RS heavy under a power bar. Did I also mention they want you to intercept dashes with his heavy for very minimal bonus shock damage. Easy way to get hit and lose tons of health. Try that in AQ map 7 please I want you too.
But Hey @UMad8ro3 he is good for points in villain event.
@Smash Ok if he is not trash why don’t I ever ever use him? I have him 6* duped. Never use him in eq, aq, aw, dungeons. I don’t even use him if I need to refresh 6* for arena run. AND HE IS DUPED, so his PI is great for points but he can’t kill anything (even w/ class advantage and w/ suicides) within a fairly reasonable amount time. And I really really would like to use him (he is a duped feature 6*!!!) but all the “utility” he can bring doesn’t make up for how weak he is.
I would never ever bring him to map 7 and he should be great against regen crazy mini boss omega red. He isn’t. Never would use him for ANY special event quests. And for all the armor he has should be able to take a few hits and have great block pro, but HE DOESNT for any type of tough hard hitting content. He seems to die just as quick as any champ that isn’t a glass cannon.
Trust me I want to believe he is a good champ and not trash, Did I mention I have him duped. But he is garbage, u won’t use him unless you have a very weak roster or doing map 5 or less, or doing heroic event quests. I lobbied numerous people times for at very very least a offensive synergy boost, we got he can be unstoppable while charging RS heavy under a power bar. Did I also mention they want you to intercept dashes with his heavy for very minimal bonus shock damage. Easy way to get hit and lose tons of health. Try that in AQ map 7 please I want you too.
But Hey @UMad8ro3 he is good for points in villain event.
I totally hear you and I started my sentence stating he’s situational. Believe me I don’t use him everywhere but against regen champs he’s gold. Last month uncollected Sinister for example. I’m around 8k prestige so believe me i have better champs for AQ map 5/6. We don’t do 7. Anyway like I said not the greatest pull but could’ve been a lot worse.
PS: sorry for the dup. Definitely wouldn’t want that. I’d rather get a new champ
I would never ever bring him to map 7 and he should be great against regen crazy mini boss omega red. He isn’t. Never would use him for ANY special event quests. And for all the armor he has should be able to take a few hits and have great block pro, but HE DOESNT for any type of tough hard hitting content. He seems to die just as quick as any champ that isn’t a glass cannon.
Trust me I want to believe he is a good champ and not trash, Did I mention I have him duped. But he is garbage, u won’t use him unless you have a very weak roster or doing map 5 or less, or doing heroic event quests. I lobbied numerous people times for at very very least a offensive synergy boost, we got he can be unstoppable while charging RS heavy under a power bar. Did I also mention they want you to intercept dashes with his heavy for very minimal bonus shock damage. Easy way to get hit and lose tons of health. Try that in AQ map 7 please I want you too.
But Hey @UMad8ro3 he is good for points in villain event.
PS: sorry for the dup. Definitely wouldn’t want that. I’d rather get a new champ
PS: sorry for the dup. Definitely wouldn’t want that. I’d rather get a new champ
Haha, I appreciate your condolences. Duping Red Skull made me more than sick.
Could be decent if he atleast got an offensive synergy increasing crits and/or gaining fury/attk buffs