Enough with the pop-up offers

Husky54Husky54 Member Posts: 244 ★★
Alright, look. I get it. This game is intended to make you all money. But seriously—you all have GOT to cool it with the pop up offers.

The top up pop ups.

The rank up pop ups.

The shard cache pop ups.

The crystal offer pop ups.

What on earth is the point of a 400 unit 3* crystal offer when I can drop 300 units on a featured GMC?

Why, when I pull a new champion, do you overlay the screen with rank up pop ups thereby blocking my view of my new champ? At lvl 60 and 900k+ user rating, I don't pull new champs very often and it is PROFOUNDLY annoying when I can't enjoy the actual new pull.

It's *ANNOYING* and does nothing but discourage me from ever getting these offers. Just cut it out already.


  • MhykkeMhykke Member Posts: 431 ★★★
    I see what you're saying...but have you thought about it this way?

    More pop up offers?

    Like you have to close 47 windows before exiting the game kinda stuff?

    Now we're cooking.
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    They do it in the hopes that one of two things happens;
    1. Some Noob who hasn't been playing long enough to be familiar with the in-game economy and with more money than sense sees the offers and takes them, or
    2. As happened to me recently with some pop-up that I still don't even know the contents of, someone who is so used to speed-closing them that they mis-press the wrong button and light 300 units on fire by accident.
    I submitted a ticket for the units, but I'll let you guess if they refunded them or not.
  • BeatleraoBeatlerao Member Posts: 153
    I don’t know why they don’t fix the pop up issue. Like just put a separate in game mail or something else that alerts u without popping up. I have accidentally hit the button before but actually was pleasantly surprised because kabam reverses the transaction and came through for me. Guess every circumstance must be different.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 864 ★★★
    Super annoying. Whoever came up with the idea for more pop-ups should have somebody pop out of their mailbox and pop them in the schnoz. I also especially hate when it pop-ups when I'm trying to enjoy pulling my latest meme champ.
  • Husky54Husky54 Member Posts: 244 ★★
    Oh and I don't need rank up pop ups after I've pulled a champ I've got maxed out.
  • Fighter092Fighter092 Member Posts: 148

    They do it in the hopes that one of two things happens;
    1. Some Noob who hasn't been playing long enough to be familiar with the in-game economy and with more money than sense sees the offers and takes them, or
    2. As happened to me recently with some pop-up that I still don't even know the contents of, someone who is so used to speed-closing them that they mis-press the wrong button and light 300 units on fire by accident.
    I submitted a ticket for the units, but I'll let you guess if they refunded them or not.

    I buyed an offer of a 3 star cristal by mistake, i dont open the cristal, send a ticket to kabam and they return me the unit the same day.
  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    I feel like store is enough as well. When I want to buy something, that's where I go. Popup offers are only making me angry, and I won't hint on what are the the things that are making me willing to spend, because path to my wallet is something Kabam has to discover by themselves, but I can tell you one thing - making me angry is not one of these things.
  • Husky54Husky54 Member Posts: 244 ★★

    I feel like store is enough as well. When I want to buy something, that's where I go. Popup offers are only making me angry, and I won't hint on what are the the things that are making me willing to spend, because path to my wallet is something Kabam has to discover by themselves, but I can tell you one thing - making me angry is not one of these things.

    It's a lot like my girlfriend. If I shove it in her face, she gets turned off and doesn't want it.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Ya I hate these offers. Accidentally clicked on one recently myself. They refunded the units thankfully but still.
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