UPGRADE 4 STAR TO 5 STAR. Get in on this idea EVERYONE!

I know it will never happen but let’s just put this out there maybe it will be considered as an idea.
Considering the recent news with 4* characters it would be extremely helpful if we could upgrade 4*’s to 5*’s. After a character is fully Maxed out and their signature skill is fully maxed out there will be the option to pay a certain amount of something. It could cost gold,units (nothing crazy as high as 500 or so) battle chips, loyalty, introduce and new core that could be purchased. We have the categories in store now potions,profile pics,glory,loyalty,etc. Well character advancement,character upgrade,character transition, I don’t know exactly what it could be named but you all get the point.
Let’s take it a step further. Make a new game type that’s somewhere between master difficulty to epic. Once a week you can take your max 4* characters and only your max 4*’s into this game type and play through. After you play through only one of these characters get the option to be upgraded to a 5*. Either make it random or let the summoner decide. Now let’s call this maybe Grand Masters Evolution, Grand Masters Favor, Grand Masters Blessing again you get my point.
Make it time gated for certain champions as well. We all know this would comprise your crystal sales if you could jump right in and do this with new 4*’s. Make it either 6-12 month old and older champions. And doing this only results in the base character not a duped version. So let’s say you have a 4* Hulk and a 5* Hulk. The option to upgrade would not be there and even if it was the 4* would net you nothing from the upgrade. Also when upgrading from 4* to 5* it would be nice if the upgrade would net you at-least a Rank 2 version of the character. Rank 3 would be ideal but I’m not banking on that.
Let’s here some feedback here. Put your own spin on this guys let’s hear some constructive ideas.
Considering the recent news with 4* characters it would be extremely helpful if we could upgrade 4*’s to 5*’s. After a character is fully Maxed out and their signature skill is fully maxed out there will be the option to pay a certain amount of something. It could cost gold,units (nothing crazy as high as 500 or so) battle chips, loyalty, introduce and new core that could be purchased. We have the categories in store now potions,profile pics,glory,loyalty,etc. Well character advancement,character upgrade,character transition, I don’t know exactly what it could be named but you all get the point.
Let’s take it a step further. Make a new game type that’s somewhere between master difficulty to epic. Once a week you can take your max 4* characters and only your max 4*’s into this game type and play through. After you play through only one of these characters get the option to be upgraded to a 5*. Either make it random or let the summoner decide. Now let’s call this maybe Grand Masters Evolution, Grand Masters Favor, Grand Masters Blessing again you get my point.
Make it time gated for certain champions as well. We all know this would comprise your crystal sales if you could jump right in and do this with new 4*’s. Make it either 6-12 month old and older champions. And doing this only results in the base character not a duped version. So let’s say you have a 4* Hulk and a 5* Hulk. The option to upgrade would not be there and even if it was the 4* would net you nothing from the upgrade. Also when upgrading from 4* to 5* it would be nice if the upgrade would net you at-least a Rank 2 version of the character. Rank 3 would be ideal but I’m not banking on that.
Let’s here some feedback here. Put your own spin on this guys let’s hear some constructive ideas.
The current system works fine really ...
A mechanism where if you have [X] amount of 5* and above champs you are granted a champion conversion badge that allows you to trade in for instance a 4/40 3* Killmomger + a 5/50 4* killmonger+ [x] amount of catalyst + [X] amount of gold to convert them into their 5* version provided they do not already own the 5* version of that champion. Conversions can be assigned a rarity on par with 5* class awakening gems or added to monthly eq rewards so that its nit a free for all. This would provide players with an incentive to at least still pursue 3 and 4* champs in arenas or through crystals and to rank them up.
Still couldn’t run act 6, stronger but still lower attack and health than a 5 r4. Helps lower players progress to earning 5 shards and furthers the overall agenda of the game which is to have more people progress to higher levels.
I love how you scrubs bashed my idea and Kabam tweaked my idea and implemented it tastefully. Now they are going to make $320-$360 (depending on your tax) to upgrade champions with the primordial bundle.
Not to mention your idea is not good then and certainly not now as I have every 4* and need them for arena.
Plus we've been playing the game for a very long time ppl by now have ranked up most of the champs so upgrading them wouldn't work considering ascension has arrived