Rewards need restructured

The way your rewards scale in the monthly event quests from difficulty to difficulty makes less sense than AOC and her green new deal. For exploration of heroic you get 1000 5* shards but only 600 for exploring master. This is ridiculous. Rewards should include and increase all previous rewards from lower difficulties. There is also no good reason why we don’t receive units from uncollected difficulty. It’s not an extension of master difficulty, it’s a completely higher difficulty. On its own. Not tied to a previous difficulty. With the new ban on 4*s for act 6 I believe it’s time to increase rewards for the higher difficulties anyway. 5 star champions should be easier to get for players that actually need them. Thanks and a have a spectacular day!
I feel they should add more gold to uncollected rewards with the introduction of gates in act 6
We'll need more gold to rank 5* and 6* in future
UC difficulty doesn't have units because the rewards are significantly better than master. With the higher amount of T2A and addition of T5B, there isn't a need to go overboard with the rewards. 5* champions are so, so, so much easier to get now as it is. Its a progression game so over time, things will be easier and easier to get.