Noticed a fix

TH3_STONETH3_STONE Member Posts: 56
Im noticing less lag and smother game play in this update BEAUTIFUL JOB! The graphics are phenomenal and i appreciate the loki and rouge fix!! The new buffed champs are great too. I just wanted to give a BIG thank you. -stone


  • TlmajrTlmajr Member Posts: 67
    Lucky you, the load time between fights for me has become about 2 minutes now (following a continue up trend going on 5-6 months now).

    Maybe if they are working on it I can see my wait times go down too :)
  • SlappapowSlappapow Member Posts: 130
    edited March 2019
    Not for me, this current AQ it took me 3 minutes to load the pre-fight stats, then another 3 to actually load the fight, and finally 2 minutes to even load out of said fight.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Instead of lag making the game unplayable, act 6 makes 4*s irrelevant!

    (Insert the Kabam disappointment thing here)
  • TH3_STONETH3_STONE Member Posts: 56
    I believe they will try their best to fix everything.. i lose my patience sometimes and say things i dont mean but this game has always been fun to play. Hope for the best. If not i move on
  • X_E_CutionerX_E_Cutioner Member Posts: 155
    Slappapow said:

    Not for me, this current AQ it took me 3 minutes to load the pre-fight stats, then another 3 to actually load the fight, and finally 2 minutes to even load out of said fight.

    That's just your network maybe ... People say the game takes too much time loading on Android ... I am using a Android device and the loading time between fights is like 5 seconds literally
  • henchman_master22henchman_master22 Member Posts: 7
    Android up to 5 minutes for me.
  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    Make sure you're running the latest version of Android! It's blazing fast for me, noticable improvement after maintenance.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Yeah mine has lagged ever since the update! The crystal vault shows an empty 2 star square for 10 15 seconds before it seems to decide who it is??? Seems sketch! Feels like it is scanning my roster...they are all sig 99 though so...
  • TH3_STONETH3_STONE Member Posts: 56
    I wrote a ticket about bad performance blaming the game for this update... when really it was my phone!! I have s note 9 that needed an update and needed to have put on "game launcher" after that is was PERFECTLY SMOOTH. I contacted google support and they showed me how to force stop the game (reset it) and do a number of other different things then they had me uninstall and reinstall the game. AND IT HELPED ALOT i was gonna write a new ticket to apologize for all of my annoying tickets i sent out but i figured I'd post it here to help the community play the game better that we love so much. SO IF YOU HAVE DROID DEVICE PROBLEMS CONTACT GOOGLE SUPPORT TEAM and they will help you.
    Higher boards past uncollected are an enormous challenge. When boards are new the new content can always change. Giving angry criticism or negative vibes will only worsen the situation. Try to stay positive and keep looking to the light and not to the dark.
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    Slappapow said:

    Not for me, this current AQ it took me 3 minutes to load the pre-fight stats, then another 3 to actually load the fight, and finally 2 minutes to even load out of said fight.

    Wow.. that sounds like a long time. Out of curiosity: what device are you running the game on?
  • TH3_STONETH3_STONE Member Posts: 56
    Note 9
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