Suggestion to deal with 4* issue in Act 6

In light of the Act 6 ban on 4*s/requirement for 5/6*s. I'd like to make a suggestion that you make 4*s as easy to get as 2*s. You could do this for uncollected or some other title level. Simply replace ALL 2* rewards and make them 4*. For example, the Sunday arena would be the same milestones, but award 4*s. All the arenas and events that currently give 2* shards for milestones would give 4* shards. Basically anywhere in the game that we see a 2* OR 2* shards today, would turn into 4* shards.
So how would this help?
It would rapidly increase end game players 5* rosters.
If you don't like this idea, make 5*s 2K shards instead of 10K. Make the featured 5* crystal 5K shards. Just make it way easier to build a 5* roster.
Another thought...
Allow us to rank up/down our rosters at will. If you are going to keep changing the requirements, we need the option to rank up/down to change with the times. Many players have spent the better part of a year or more investing in champs based on synergies. Now those champs have little or much less value if a key champ on their synergy team was a 4*. We made those decisions based on the state of the game. And nothing in the state of the game would have led us to think there would be a ban on 4*s. So we invested in them and their synergy partner 5s.
So how would this help?
It would rapidly increase end game players 5* rosters.
If you don't like this idea, make 5*s 2K shards instead of 10K. Make the featured 5* crystal 5K shards. Just make it way easier to build a 5* roster.
Another thought...
Allow us to rank up/down our rosters at will. If you are going to keep changing the requirements, we need the option to rank up/down to change with the times. Many players have spent the better part of a year or more investing in champs based on synergies. Now those champs have little or much less value if a key champ on their synergy team was a 4*. We made those decisions based on the state of the game. And nothing in the state of the game would have led us to think there would be a ban on 4*s. So we invested in them and their synergy partner 5s.