State of the game


What is happening to your game? The game is being geared towards end game players mostly. Most recently act 6 with the 4* bans but the timing of the sale you had for 49 usd was the day before? A lot of folks have spent a lot of time, effort and money to make their roster better. The game used to be more enjoyable. It is becoming more like a chore. You guys said more 5* shards to bring balance but is only giving 750 shards this month. That is .75 of a fully forged crystal. It takes 10000 shards to earn the crystal and quite frankly it takes a while to earn it.

Here are some suggestions to make the game content better.

2* arena for 5* shards. (Make it a monthly event). This way everyone can still use their ‘useless’ 1* and 2* champs to earn something of value.
Drop the amount of shards needed to earn the 5* champ (5000 shards) would put interest back in the players. Better RNG so we can earn better champs to finish ACT 5 now that ACT is here.
The 2500 units still pop up for a 4* crystal offer has to go bye bye. 4* champs are now really not of interest for a lot of folks, therefore remove or lower the amount to tier 4 basic/class catalysts needed for rank up.
Bring back rank down tickets but in a limited amount so players can have an opportunity to put their resources into a viable 5* champ to go further in your game. There is more ideas that I have that can make your game better. You guys need to think of the community as a whole. We love the game but the changes that is taking place is not a popular one by your players.

Thank you.


  • NikhilNikhil Member Posts: 101
    It is sad that we have to leave this game.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    The game is far from being geared toward end game players. I swear lower players think that there should be no end game content or else the end game should be wherever they are. You are using Act 6 as an example of how the game is geared toward the end game players? LMAO it's been over a year since we had a new story quest and by definition each new story quest will be end game. They just buffed act 1-4 rewards for low players. We just had a 2* arena for a 5* champ. They nerfed Act 4 and reduced the energy it takes to run it. 90% of the content is for lower players and y'all are getting 5*s so much faster then we did. Everyone who is at the end game level worked to get there and the path was harder. This is as wrong as it is possible to be. Oh and @Nikhil you don't have to, but if you do, bye.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    It's not GEARED towards End-Game. This particular piece of content is. (We could also go into the debate about what End-Game is but that's neither here nor there.)
    It's one aspect of the game that requires a higher Rarity of Champs. Simply put, it's not for the average bear.
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