Best 6 star rank 2! Choose and comment please!

Friends! Please help me!
I can't choose one of them to rank up!
1. Cap(IW) : He is great enough even he is unawakened. He is stable and also powerful! If I rank up him! Next is Ghulk because their synergy is really helpful!
2. Ghost : I pulled the Ghost last night. She wasn't my favorite champ but every users love her and I have 6Wasp too she is awesome and their synergy makes Ghost powerful but.. I think she is little bit shoddy. After AI patch she is more unstable(Just my thought) If I rank up her next is Wasp
3. Ghulk : I love his ability. He doesn't need to be awakened. and his face me ability is really usefull. I used him in AQ frequently. Also I used him when I met Mephisto and Domino on AW. he is very useful in New story quest too!! If I rank up him next is Cap(IW)
Best 6 star rank 2! Choose and comment please! 68 votes
He os my profile!!
If you insist on doing it now, both GHulk and Ghost have most of their utility pre-dupe. CapIW really shines post dupe (especially at high sigs).
I am already one of 6*Ghost & Wasp Users!!
She is my favorite!!
Cap is goo champion too, of course
Sorry for that 😂😂🤣
I wish You get really great GOD champs!!!
Thank you for your comment!!!
Yes I agree that!
She is best Champ on MCOC ever
GHOST&Wasp&The Hood is my best team!!
She is already My muse~
I used her every quests