Premium hero crystals and other cashbox crystals drastically need reform

You have 300 units as a price tag for featured gmc's, 200 units for cavalier crystals ( best drop rates) and 150 units for a PHC (Absolute trash! Why would anyone buy these past chapter 2? Ever?
Dear Kabam,
You want us to buy these crystals yet you insist on punishing us with these 2/3/4 star rewards for players at the endgame lvl and we cannot even use these champs in end game content. You claim to want to provide increased opportunity for 5* shards yet you really don't do anything to provide extra shards. That measly 750 shards for logging in a month straight is a joke. Up that to a full 5* and you can talk. As for phc's, 15 units each and people might actually buy them. Take 3* champs out of the cavalier crystal all together. 4/5/6 only. Make it actually a value to the player base and more people will find value in them. MAKE US ACTUALLY WANT TO SPEND MONEY!
Dear Kabam,
You want us to buy these crystals yet you insist on punishing us with these 2/3/4 star rewards for players at the endgame lvl and we cannot even use these champs in end game content. You claim to want to provide increased opportunity for 5* shards yet you really don't do anything to provide extra shards. That measly 750 shards for logging in a month straight is a joke. Up that to a full 5* and you can talk. As for phc's, 15 units each and people might actually buy them. Take 3* champs out of the cavalier crystal all together. 4/5/6 only. Make it actually a value to the player base and more people will find value in them. MAKE US ACTUALLY WANT TO SPEND MONEY!
PHC prices reduce as you get higher.
if you are at the point to access grandmaster crystals PHC now only costs 60 units.
so compare GM at 200 and PHC at 60 is fair comparison not PHC at 100
also drop rates were recently increased.
also there needs to be good and bad results. its gambling.
I'll Title this Thread N.
Yep. N Titled.
On a serious note, though. The Cavalier Crystals aren't even a week old and people are complaining because you have Rarities balancing out the best Rates for the highest Rarities.
The FGMC is priced that way because it contains the newest Champs.
No idea why the PHC is an issue, it's Discounted. Don't need it, don't buy it.