Mastery Preset Blocks

GivMeABeerGivMeABeer Member Posts: 203 ★★
edited March 2019 in General Discussion
I am sure this has been discussed before but wanted to know if the mods can share any potential of Kabam adding mastery preset blocks to the game. It would be great to have 2-3 sets of masteries that players could build for situational use. For example you could have meant for a well rounded fighting useful in all aspects of the game; one could be more defensive and utilize willpower and a third could be all out attack and use suicides.

Kabam could charge a certain amount of units for the additional master sets and if they still feel they need more income charge a certain amount of units to switch from one preset to another. It would just be nice to not have to take all the matery points back and reallocate when you want to run a different style.

This would also incentive's unlocking more mysteries; for me I do not plan to get suicides because I don't want the hassle of adjusting the points all the time. But if there were presets I could see my self spending to unlock suicides and potentially other masteries.

Just thought I'd share my thoughts on this. If there is specific reasons why Kabam does not want this in the game I'd be curious to know why that is.
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