Who should a lone wolf bring to 5/65?

My situation is a bit special. I’m retired from alliances altogether, so I only use my champs for quests and I always have access to all of them. My current 5/65s are CAIW and Vision. If you were in that situation, who would you use your T5 Basics on?
Who should a lone wolf bring to 5/65? 34 votes
5* Archangel (duped)
11 votes
5* Magik (duped)
2 votes
5* Corvus (unduped)
11 votes
5* Ghost (unduped)
10 votes
6* IMIW (unduped)
0 votes
I see a lot of votes for Ghost too, but my problem with her is that I’d then have to give away a spot in the questing team to Wasp as well... and the suicide masteries Ghost needs to really shine wouldn’t benefit the rest of the team.
Maybe better to focus on champs who doesn’t rely on any synergies?