Missing points for AW wins.

I know this has been posted already but who has time to dig through the forums everytime you have issues?! At the beginning of the season we were shorted or 50k for a win. I’ve been as patient as possible. I posted a help desk ticket and received a blanketed response saying y’all were aware of it and it would be fixed. 18 days has passed. We still have not received our points. I sent another ticket today. I’m expecting the same generic, blanketed response. I honesty don’t want to come to the forums for this. Y’all have bigger fish to fry over at Kabam Land. But I also don’t like feeling as if my concerns aren’t valid either. I’m afraid that as the season continues our first war will drop out of the history and I will be unable to determine if we have been awarded the proper points or not. I don’t want to be that annoying dude on the forum that has to tag mods but had someone from Kabam just communicated with me in the help center this whole post would be moot. Please let me and some of the other alliances in the same situation know what’s going on and when we can expect a resolution. Thanks. (Included is screenshot from yesterday) 

If your Alliance was missing points and it was fixed when the others were 2 weeks ago, the points that were adjusted will appear on your season page, not on the page showing each individual war. Please check there to see if your points are where they should be.
I’m glad you have more time to devote to hunting the forums. I unfortunately do not. This is why I submitted a helpdesk that should have explained this but didn’t. In situations like this a lot of time could be saved if an in-game message is sent with a link. I’m so glad you chimed in to help. You are making a significant difference. Keep up the good fight.