Mystic Dispersion Max

SumtingwongSumtingwong Member Posts: 18
Has anyone tested out maxing their Mystic Dispersion lately? Is it worth it if you run Majik or other mystic champs? I didn't see any youtube video on this. Thanks in advance.


  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    3 or 4 tends to be the best for offense for MD
    At 5 you just risk over shooting the special you want to use to often. At least in my opinion
    I have 5* r5 Magik, r4 Symbiote Supreme and Voodoo so I use my mystics a lot
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    MD5 is a must with Magik if you plan on taking out any Medusa's or Champion's at any high level in AW as it helps you spam SP3 more often and prevent timeouts. Otherwise I wouldn't go higher than MD4.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    I feel md4 is the best. Used to run md4 before they changed it. Have a gr at R4. But since they changed I'm at md3 just because I got Blade as well and invested in deep wounds 5/5. I'm still trying to find 1 point free to enable md4 again. Also need to buy those cores which I find too expensive. So chipping in slowly.
    My opinion md3 is just underwhelming and md4 is kind of great.
  • SumtingwongSumtingwong Member Posts: 18
    I'm at md4 and it feels to me that after the nerf, it's slower to get the power up. Prior to the nerf, md4 was perfect, now it just take twice as long. Just wondering if there's any videos out there, but I didn't see any. Thanks for all your feedback.
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