Guillotine signature ability not functioning correctly



  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    This is still something that is being investigated and we'll update the thread when there is any new information.
  • Va7686Va7686 Member Posts: 18
    Sorry if I'm appearing pushy on this, but it has been over a month since this thread was first replied to by a moderator, and no information regarding what the investigation has found has been provided. is there any information you can provide on what's happening? Most of the issues on more popular characters seem to be addressed within a few weeks.

    I recently did some testing with my other guillotines, and while the 5* sig 200's health steal (54.99% heal for every four souls) is 2.5x weaker than it should be, my 3* and 2* variants were not similar

    5* sig 200 (54.88% health steal) was 2.5x weaker than it should have been
    3* sig 53 (45.48% health steal) was 1.15x stronger that it should have been
    2* sig 30 (41.37% health steal) was also close to 1.15x stronger that it should have been though I didn't get to test it much

    Makes me wonder if the issue is different at different sig levels, or at different star levels.

    In any case, hopefully this of some use to the investigation.
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Yea, the fix is nice, still bugged tho :/
    Look at the pics and do the math, cuz for some reason the game can't (sig 200 gilly, should be regening 54.99% per 4 souls).

  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Hope this can get some attention since a lot of people are on the forum rn cuz of maintenance. As someone who has had a r5 gilly since r5 5* champs have been a thing. Was super excited about a fix but id really like a full fix, not a partial fix
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    This issue has been resolved in the 24.0 update.

    • GUILLOTINE: Will now correctly Heal based on Soul Count.
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