European Allinace looking for 5 members ( GMT/GMT+1/GMT+2)
We are looking for player who have about 7000 prestige
Mostly AQ focused we run map 5 and map 6 depending on the war rotation.
Donations are 175k Gold 13k BC 12k Loyalty
We are looking for active players!
We all wanna grow together!
We are building up for war at the moment!
If you are intrested add me in game or one of my friends!
- Rojosito
- ImperialBlaze
- zEnough
Telegram app mandatory for communication between ally members!
Mostly AQ focused we run map 5 and map 6 depending on the war rotation.
Donations are 175k Gold 13k BC 12k Loyalty
We are looking for active players!
We all wanna grow together!
We are building up for war at the moment!
If you are intrested add me in game or one of my friends!
- Rojosito
- ImperialBlaze
- zEnough
Telegram app mandatory for communication between ally members!