Looking for a new alliance

Hi these are my heros and im lookig for a good alliance to join



  • Page_81_Page_81_ Member Posts: 14
    Just wondering if your active and play daily
  • Page_81_Page_81_ Member Posts: 14
    I sent you a friend request if we are a 9.5 mil alley. If you're interested and me and and leave a message and we can go from there 👍
  • ADerbyGuyADerbyGuy Member Posts: 8
    We’re a chilled growing alliance with a focus on AQ
  • ADerbyGuyADerbyGuy Member Posts: 8
    Tag is (FKLSS)
  • Canesfreak13Canesfreak13 Member Posts: 57
    Add me on line at canesfreak. Looking to replace a couple players after the season.
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