A Practice Arena

I think that there should be a permanent practice arena where you can go in to and practice certain champs that you can’t duel and in this arena you can chose the champion and the rank and the signature level of them so you can get a feeling of what that champion is like and you can add buffs and nodes to them like you would see them in alliance wars, alliance quests and normal quests so that you can get an understanding of them. like if you are going to fight a enhanced special 2 node in alliance war you can go in to the practice arena and put the champion with the enhanced special 2 node on it and practice before you go in to the fight or even In general quests if there is a node that you can’t get passed you can put it into the practice arena and work on getting past it.
I feel like this would make the game more fun for new players because it allows them to get an understanding of the game so they don’t get frustrated and quit playing because they don’t understand the buffs and nodes that they are facing and it would make them want to stay and play more because they have an understanding of how everything works.
What do you all think should there be a permanent practice arena or not?
I feel like this would make the game more fun for new players because it allows them to get an understanding of the game so they don’t get frustrated and quit playing because they don’t understand the buffs and nodes that they are facing and it would make them want to stay and play more because they have an understanding of how everything works.
What do you all think should there be a permanent practice arena or not?
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