Google Play Achievements - I stopped getting them [Under Investigation]

ElderOfAncientsElderOfAncients Member Posts: 23
edited November 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
When I first started playing MCOC I used a Kabam account because signing in with Google Play required a Google+ profile and I didn't have (or want) one. With the last update, this was fixed so I could sign-in with Google Play.

But the Google Play Achievements don't work for me. I have 3 achievements for assembling a team, but many achievements I'd earned earlier (like completing Act 1, completing any quest 100%, etc) haven't triggered. And achievements I've definitely made since the update also aren't triggering.

I'm not even sure if this is an issue with the Android build of MCOC or something on Google's end. But the achievements do seem to work in other games.

Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


  • TigreVoadorTigreVoador Member Posts: 1
    I have the same issue.
  • Akrm123Akrm123 Member Posts: 2
    لدي نفس المشكلة
  • ElderOfAncientsElderOfAncients Member Posts: 23
    Welp, it's 8/30/17 and still no achievements in Google Play for MCOC. I probably have 5-10 that I should have earned.
    I'm definitely not the only one having this issue, not just based on the comments. See this reddit thread:

    where someone else reports the issue. Now supposedly I'm supposed to open a support ticket with MCOC to try and address the issue. But this thread over on the Google Play Help Forum shows how useless that could be:!topic/play/c5ePHVgSzHQ

    because the poor dude who asked Google for help just gets the run-around where they say "Contact the app developer!". I suspect Kabam is too busy working on the next event and other work to address it, though perhaps when 15.0 is released it'll be fixed?

    If anyone else is having this issue, please post a comment here! I'll see if I can get this some raised awareness.
  • ATR6135ATR6135 Member Posts: 9
    I'm level 53 and it says I've completed 98% of 'Reach summoner level 50' haha.
  • JuggerneyksJuggerneyks Member Posts: 275 ★★
    i haven't received achievements for mcoc for ages, at some point a long time ago, it stopped working
  • ElderOfAncientsElderOfAncients Member Posts: 23
    I opened a support ticket with Kabam for this issue yesterday (9/9/17), and they suggested mostly the usual bit of clearing the app cache, uninstalling updates, etc. I did that both for MCOC itself as well as the Play Games app. None of that worked.
    Kabam came back and told me the issue is not actually with them (surprise!) but with Google Play. This, of course, is known as passing the buck. :/

    I'm poking around the Google contact support page, but it's pretty clear there's an actual real issue here, it cropped up around June but it doesn't impact everyone. I think it's more likely to be an issue with MCOC then with Google, but I don't rule out the possibility there's bugs, server issues or other problems on Google's side.

    Let's keep adding to this thread to document the problem.
  • ElderOfAncientsElderOfAncients Member Posts: 23
    Screenshots proving Play Games achievements not unlocking, but should be for me.



  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    I don't have the achievement for get a 2*. Not kidding.
  • beaupoembeaupoem Member Posts: 443
    it stopped working for me a while ago. then i made a new account and it started working again. but now i'm so used to not logging in my google play account that i don't even log in for achievements anymore...
  • ElderOfAncientsElderOfAncients Member Posts: 23
    I talked to Google's Play support today, and the guy said they can't possibly tell what the issue is because they don't have access to the game's databases, logs, or systems. And he asked if other games were unlocking achievements for me, they are. I got one just yesterday for a different game!

    Everyone who has this issue, here's what to do:
    1. Launch the game. Make sure you're logged in with your Google Play account
    2. Tap the gear icon in the upper left from the Home screen of MCOC
    3. Look for the green button that says "SUPPORT" and tap on it
    4. You'll get a webpage listing Alerts and asking what you need help with. Scroll until you find "I want to report a bug or technical issue". Tap on that.
    5. Tap on "Other bug/technical issue"
    6. Tap on "Bugs and Known Issues". Scroll down to the bottom and click on the "I need more help" link (it's a yellow bar)
    7. Fill out the form with the issue you're having (Achievements not unlocking) and briefly describe it. I'd recommend saying how long you've had the issue too. Make sure to put in your e-mail address as well! Then tap submit

    You should get an e-mail about your case pretty quick. I got quick response times on mine, but ultimately didn't get anything solved. If your ticket gets closed without being resolved, wait a day or so and open another one. Reference all the old tickets you've opened too!

    It's a lot of work but it's ridiculous Kabam is trying to pass the blame onto Google. They need to fix it or at least SAY they know about it and are working on it!

  • ElderOfAncientsElderOfAncients Member Posts: 23
    Just a final update on this, even with the newest patches I still don't get any of my achievements. And based on what I've heard from Kabam support, may never happen.

    I had a ticket open with them for about 2 weeks back in late September where we went back-and-forth, they finally admitted that if you've already met a goal for an achievement (like reaching level 20) and weren't logged into Google Play, you won't get the achievement even if you later login to the game with Google Play.

    I'm not entirely convinced of this though, because I was definitely logged into Google Play for MCOC when I hit level 40 and still didn't get the achievement. But based on what went on with them and what I've heard from Google, this isn't anything other than an issue on Kabam's side they just don't want to bother with. Probably because it's a lot of work to figure out and fix and doesn't give them any money, :(
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,331 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    I am at 32/36 for MCOC. There isn't any new achievement added for a long time.

    I am doubtful the problem lies solely with one Company but I am leaning more to game developer being at "fault". They need to inform Google the many new things added (e.g. Act 4, etc).

    Then, over to Google to update achievement list.

    At least, I know when I started this game using Google Play.

    The 4 which is not registered as completed.
    I have yet to be a Legend though.

  • DonRufattiDonRufatti Member Posts: 3
    Google told me they reported Kabam as an inappropriate developer and said they need to resolve this issue with the utmost urgency or they don't be able to offer them their platform to distribute their games. They weren't happy when I sent them screenshots of kabam saying they couldn't do anything because it was Google's fault. Needless to say I've sent soooo many screenshots to show which achievements weren't unlocking and prove which ones i should have. I've been in constant contact with Google and they said that kabam can manually release to them which achievements if they've been shown proof and to let them know if I have done that and to send them screenshots proving I've sent kabam the proof and if within x amount of days if they're still not unlocked for me that they will directly deal with kabam. It's a big deal because it affects gameplay. It gives u experience to level u up and I've earn thousands I've yet to receive. I'm a 37 rank summoner, I'd be in my mid 40s if i got all my achievements.
  • DonRufattiDonRufatti Member Posts: 3
    It is solely kabam fault, don't let them lie to you.
  • DonRufattiDonRufatti Member Posts: 3
    I'm not illiterate, autocorrect on my phone changes my words to make me sound uneducated.
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★ can get achievements in this game? O_o
    Dang how long has this thing not been working for?!
  • Akrm123Akrm123 Member Posts: 2
    لدي نفس المشكلة
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey all. Just wanted to step in and let you know that we are indeed looking into this, and we're working with our partners to look for the root cause. Thanks so much for bearing with us on this one.
  • ElderOfAncientsElderOfAncients Member Posts: 23
    Kabam Wolf wrote: »
    Hey all. Just wanted to step in and let you know that we are indeed looking into this, and we're working with our partners to look for the root cause. Thanks so much for bearing with us on this one.

    Oh wow! I'd given up on this long ago and just noticed there were so many comments on this thread when I logged in.

    Thanks for the response! It's so very frustrating and disheartening to have what is really just a small issue and never get a clear answer or fix. If it's something fixed with the upcoming update that would be super-awesome!
  • ElderOfAncientsElderOfAncients Member Posts: 23
    Starting sometime last week, I started getting achievements again, including some (not all) backlogged achievements. Progress is definitely being made!

    When I leveled up a champion, it seemed to trigger most of the old leveling-up related achievements I'd already met the milestones for. Similar with when I completed an arena battle, or opened crystals. My total number of achievements unlocked is now 25 out of 36.

    There are still some not unlocked, like completing any story chapter, completing Act I, etc. And oddly, it's not unlocked the one getting a 3-star champion though I've opened several 3-star crystals since this started (mostly) working.

    FYI, for Kabam's team, I do play on both my tablet and my phone. I've seen achievements pop-up on both, but it does seem hit-or-miss. I'm not sure what has been done to address this but it's not 100% better yet. OTOH, considering all the other issues there have been I suppose I'd rather attention be focused on keeping the servers up, :)
  • samjustsamsamjustsam Member Posts: 2
    Hey kabam....what's the deal? My achievements for Google play aren't unlocking either. I have created multiple accounts as well and still only 3 unlock when many more should. Maybe it has to do with being logged in with kabam as well as hoogle play. Come on dudes..fix this. It's April 2018 and still no fix. That's just pathetic on someone's end.

  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2018
    I appear to be in the same boat. Only 3 achievements unlocked. Also have Google Play and Kabam accounts. It's now July 2018 and still no fix it seems? The 'login options' window in game shows a Kabam logo with Kabam Account written next to it and my email below that and then under that a Google Play icon with just my user name next to it. The only button is a log out button. Support were not much help. - sorry for duplicate comment below, can't see how to delete this one...
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44
    Kabam Wolf wrote: »
    Hey all. Just wanted to step in and let you know that we are indeed looking into this, and we're working with our partners to look for the root cause. Thanks so much for bearing with us on this one.

    I appear to be in the same boat. Only 3 achievements unlocked. Also have Google Play and Kabam accounts. It's now July 2018 and still no fix it seems? The 'login options' window in game shows a Kabam logo with Kabam Account written next to it and my email below that and then under that a Google Play icon with just my user name next to it. The only button is a log out button. Support were not much help.
This discussion has been closed.