Dropped blocks

I am experiencing dropped blocks, typically on 3rd or 4th hit of opponent combo, typically against very hard hitters. (AW Boxx 5* Juggs)
Feel like it happened before 14.0.0, but certainly happening now.
Is this expected behavior in the new game? or is it a bug?
can anyone else shed light?
apologies if mods have answered elsewhere. I searched and didn't previous answers.
Feel like it happened before 14.0.0, but certainly happening now.
Is this expected behavior in the new game? or is it a bug?
- Game Version: 14.0.0
- Hardware: iPhone 6S
- OS Version: IOS 10.3.3
can anyone else shed light?
apologies if mods have answered elsewhere. I searched and didn't previous answers.
Android galaxy phone up-to-date
It's something that effects a lot of different devices, a lot of different phone models but kabamincompetent don't seem to know how to fix it so they just let it go and ignore our threads and or close them without fixing.