Any tips to farm 5* sig stones?

Fighter092Fighter092 Member Posts: 148


  • Kaladin_Kaladin_ Member Posts: 391
    Sig stones usually have to be bought at the beginning of the month, 30 day card events or from a special offer. You can get 15 per month from EQ. And 100% labrath gives 100. Other than that they are hard to come by.
  • liquidkarmaliquidkarma Member Posts: 80
    i believe you can buy them with intel this month as well, if you are not saving for the 5star awakening gem; but if you spend in game you can pick up more intel from the daily deals as well.
    agreed they are pretty hard to come by. there may be some as rare drops in aw/aq crystals as well? cannot confirm as we do map 2 in my alliance and i feel like they are a map 5 level type of thing.
  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    Im close to capping on these with no one to use them on and now I think of it, I have no clue how did I get a single one of them
  • liquidkarmaliquidkarma Member Posts: 80
    OP, 5 star sig stones are in the featured tab of the store today as part of the 24 hour random deals going on right now.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    OG 5* farming is doing LOL.. Main farming is you and your alliance doing well in 3 day events.
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