Best Science 5/65 Champion

SevSynSevSyn Member Posts: 72
Context: assuming you had all the 5*s available at rank 4, and you had to rank up one and only one Science champion to rank 5... Who would you pick?

Also, Why did you pick that champion? (Utility, uniqueness, specific encounters, ease of use, damage output, survivability, fun to play)??

Best Science 5/65 Champion 29 votes

Stark78AlfaCharlie_SceneChampioncriticB_Dizzle_01CeceSchmidtTJ107Superfighter101Capn_Dante 8 votes
Captain America Infinity War
TheManMythLegendDuMonUDrake2078TeddersDmack976637A l p h aSpiderCoolsDoonxFighter092BluDragonMegaGalacticKobster84Maldroit2FhfjghhggggjfhfjgMrGordo5150Ctleath_013Tha_doc 17 votes
FreeToPlay_21Jbote8 2 votes
Hulk Ragnarok
Ethans8279Yamaha_Yamaso 2 votes
Other (please comment below)


  • Ctleath_013Ctleath_013 Member Posts: 416 ★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    CAIW for me. He is a super cool champ first off. Second, he has great utility with the kinetic charges. Other that that he has great damage output, and is just fun to play. Void would be my second choice because he is also a super solid champ.
  • SevSynSevSyn Member Posts: 72
    Captain America Infinity War also survives block damage due to glancing... and synergies are quite useful.

    I haven’t used Void enough to understand his potential, but he was a community favorite for so long.

    The vote list was roughly in order of what I thought the community would respond with...

    Personally I lean towards CapIW & Quake... but now that Void is nearly max Signature also... I need to figure out before expiring resources who eats the Green T4 & T2A (CapIW is 200 signature)

    Quake puts in so much work though... and personally I love the playstyle
  • MegaGalacticMegaGalactic Member Posts: 248 ★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    I’m holding all my science tier 4’s for Cap IW, and/or Quake as 4*/5*.

    I have a Void (not many sig lvls on tho) but I haven’t found him as enjoyable to play.
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