Looking for an alliance

Hi. I’m looking for an active alliance. I am very active in AQ and AW weekly and can hold my own in both. The alliance I am in was at Silver 1 but has dropped to silver 3/Bronze 1. looking for Silver 1 so I can progress my profile. I have line and I use it. Find me in game or on Line at Mdawood41


  • DaBillsDaBills Member Posts: 648
    If you are active we just started rebuilding. We run aq and aw. We just lost a whole bg and are recruiting. We were gold 2 Season 7, dropped due to the lose of a bg. We have a strong core of players. I sent you an invite in game.
  • Mdawood41Mdawood41 Member Posts: 19
    @DaBills what is the name of the alliance. I’ve gotten a lot of requests
  • 300mike300mike Member Posts: 18
    hey if your still looking let me know line id is 300mike
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