First 5 star awakening gem. Starky or sentinel?

Keenmonkey_5Keenmonkey_5 Member Posts: 36
Should I use my tech awakening gem from the Intel event on rank 4 starky or soon to be rank 3 sentinel?

First 5 star awakening gem. Starky or sentinel? 38 votes

GroundedWisdomRagamugginGunnerDrZolaLeNoirFaineantTimone147IcejrBoogerPresleyPsychoakumaRotellyAlCapone2727SuvendudougyfcSixshot1axelelf_1Bruinsfan8510DaphboyXxLoganTDCxXMegaGalacticPaytoPlayeagles1990 30 votes
ArcDeAngelusMr_PlatypusAnimejay70CristalmanA l p h aMathking13001_kunal21TotalMonster109 8 votes


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    That all depends. I know most people will say Sparky, but Sentinel is highly useful too. Are you looking for Attack or Defense?
  • Keenmonkey_5Keenmonkey_5 Member Posts: 36
    I have 18 5 stars atm. So I guess overall usefulness would be better. I know starky is no good for defense but use him in AW attack every war. Such a difficult decision.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Sentinel benefits tremendously however, if you have no plans to rank 4 or rank 5 him, don’t bother using the gem on sentinel
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    Stark spidey starts getting crits pretty much every hit if he’s awakened at 10 poise. The taunt extension is also nice. However, sentinel is a lot more annoying to play without the sig ability, so you could argue it needs it more, plus you don’t really need any sig stones for sentinel
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Sentinel is underrated but I'd use it on Sparky
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    sparky is awesome, but i think sentinel might benefit more.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Stark Spidey all day. Every day.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    If you're more proficient with Sparky, I'd say him. You say you use him a great deal, so that would likely be your go-to. However, I'd also encourage you to consider Ranking Sentinel in the future. He's very useful as well. Sentinel can still be used Unawakened. It just takes a bit longer to build Analysis.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Starky does so much damage but Sentinels awakening ability helps him alot
  • Keenmonkey_5Keenmonkey_5 Member Posts: 36
    Thanks for everybody's input and votes. I went with spidey!
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    I'm one of those people who personally finds sparky's playstyle really stressful. And I'm horrible at building poise properly. So I'd probably find Sentinel to be more useful for me. I can understand how much damage Sparky can do though, so yeah.
    (please Kabam give me a 4* sentinel I want a good tech champ to use my gem on...)
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