Ideas to combat RNG/recent upsets over act6

Look, I as well as many in this community see the ban of 4 stars in act 6 as what it is....greed.
No offense, but there is absolutely no reward in skill when you literally put a block on 90% of the average player's roster...... especially with rng involved.
It's also such a slap in the face (and very fishy) that out of droves of 5 stars people on average ONLY dupe garbage like Jane Foster Thor's proposed solutions:

A. Almost every game built off rng has a self sufficient way to acquire needed items/characters without $$. A good way would be to drop the bullcrap out of featured 5 star pulls, or have a similar option featuring ONLY demigod or above tier champs (after all 1.5x the cost in shards ought not have a 30% chance at another "kabaam" pull.
Have a trade system. If players could trade within their alliance it would benefit the whole community. You could even put a time requirement to prevent alliance hopping and thus prevent or drastically limit black market trading. Regardless this seems to be the least likely to be listened to bc you guys are greed ran offense.
Get rid of bullcrap deals. No offense rng shouldn't be everywhere. Change t4 cat z3 exchange at a random t4??!? Cmon.....2 of one for a "chosen t4" is steep but fair and would help many players progress.
Enough 2-4* bs.....stop insulting everyone with **** they cannot use.....if this act 6 rule must stay, so be it, then allow a way to upgrade 4 stars to five stars or something. That way it's still valuable to pull a much needed champ. Perhaps :
Exchange a maxed out 4 star champ+ destroy 2 5 star to create a five star dupe of the maxed 4 star.....something. there's so many formula recipes you could do thatd be fair....its not like this game has a black market so your greed is the only thing stopping it.....


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    I'm not sure what you're describing, but it sounds like an entirely different game.
  • D00mbr1ngerD00mbr1nger Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2019
    It's really quite simple. STOP scamming with overpriced sales of garbage and give players self efficent ways to acquire catalyst they need as well as champions.
    Stuff like 3x t4 catalyst for a random t4 of any other than traded in is just asinine.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    The best I can do is address your points.

    A. Acquiring Champs doesn't require money. You can do that through game play. The Crystals are based on RNG, and there are different pools for different Crystals. The "God/Demi" scale was the invention of someone on YouTube, and that's not how they look at Champs. I am 100% certain they don't segregate them by "Kabam" pulls. It's really quite simple. When you're trying for one or two possibilities out of whatever number, that limits the number of pulls you will be satisfied with, simply because the number that you don't want is greater. The Featured Crystal contains newer Champs, along with a mixture of Basic. That mixture is random and rotated to provide a range of different Champs. They're not separated by God/Demi.

    B. That would be horribly exploited. HORRIBLY. We've seen what some people do with something as simple as a Gifting Badge.

    C. The Crystal Reroll is that way for a reason. There would not be any point in having a random system that provides a random Class, if people were just going to trade in what they don't want. Waiting for what we need is part of the natural progression of the game.

    D. There's an entire game going on outside of Act 6. They can't get rid of lower Rarities just because you can't use them in one area of the game. Equally, they're there for a reason, and trading up defeats the purpose of having different Rarities.

    There have indeed been Black Markets in the game, but the point of the ban is not greed. It's to limit access to the Rewards to those with a sufficient Roster. This is so the entire system doesn't go out of whack. The game operates mostly on RNG, which means taking pulls we don't want, and some we do. That's actually about as fair as it comes. Everyone has the same random chance, so sounds like what you want is an entirely different game.
  • D00mbr1ngerD00mbr1nger Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2019
    Pretty much you said alot of nothing and acted like a "fanboy". That's cool.
    No, getting new champs isnt hard lol. People get tons of 1-3* trash slot lol, and 4 stars arent very hard to acquire. But let's discuss that. 4stars are the new 3stars...and act 6 is a BIG deal! Storyline fulfillment is an even bigger deal with the update, but sure let's reserve that ONLY for big accounts lord forbid anyone who doesnt sit on their "bought heroes" or 4 years of 12 hour day gameplay definitely dont deserve a shot right?! What kind of player gap entitled bullcrap is that?!

    It's not how the majority feels from what I've seen. Rewarding pay to play/ gambling addictions is all they're doing. Same stuff happened in War of Heroes. Every new card became ridiculously better (not that we wanna see blade reign forever), but they are making huge mistakes that you're advocating with bs excuses.
    Catalyst trade that's literally the worst deal period wouldnt hurt in anyway to improve. There are people with lives outside this game that makes arena grinding plus alliance obligations conflicting. Dont talk down to me with literally zero good points because you're day obviously seems to be consisting of being their advocate with a hundred posts a day and ****.
    People exploited a gifting badge so what....its gunna happen so punish everyone bc of a few huh?! Like that somehow negates the fact that the reason most people exploit things is that this game is either invest your life I to it, or spend vast amounts of money for pixels. There is no middle ground for 5star+. Its one thing to have strong policy against cheating, and quite another to deny a game of any chance at a reasonable progression as far as endgame content (4* are old news so your points are moot af).....there arent anyways for alot of progression beyond that if you are an adult with real **** to do other than invest hours daily.

    In closing defending a game built entirely off RNG with a deaf ear at any element not being controlled by it aka catalysts etc is asinine. Almost every game that's built on RNG has a balance that this game is holding off on for sales. You know it, I know it. Now please go take your fanboyism comments elsewhere.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    I'm not sure if there's even a request in here, or just a rant.
    I wasn't talking down to you at all. I was explaining the purpose of having a random system to begin with is a part of the pace of progression. You're supposed to wait for what you need now and then. The entire game is built on RNG, for the most part. That's been the same since the onset. You can try for a reroll of Cats, but it will cost. Otherwise, why have a random Crystal? Why not just let people choose? It's random for a reason.
    The Badge was disabled because it was being used for Fraud. People were being stolen from, and others were using it to make money under Kabam's nose. Disabling it wasn't a punishment, it was the only choice they had to stop the Fraud from recurring as fast as possible. Illegal activity takes precedence over people missing it, sorry.
    As for the money accusation, that comes up whenever people don't like something. Doesn't mean every decision in the game is directly the result of money.
    The rest, I have no time for. Putting me down won't help you.
  • D00mbr1ngerD00mbr1nger Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2019
    I dont care about the gifting, you brought that up.

    Oh and why have random catalyst????
    Oh I know! It's part of the gambling addiction trap. As is the expiration of them! This game is littered with ways to constantly screw you and very few to allow you to control any kind of outcome, UNLESS YOU WANNA GUARANTEE IT FOR 69.99!

    IF they didnt sell guaranteed catalyst deals and **** for such ridiculous prices or at all, I might buy your opinions, but when they clearly force RNG as a stimulus (because those with deep pockets are rewarded).....cmon man......

    You either dont understand marketing vs playerbase, you dont care, or both.

    No one insulted you, but if you are going to try and explain mundane garbage that is an obvious fanboyism act then stop commenting. Why you think you got like 8k worth or 60% of spam reports on your account? Because you spend the majority defending them blindly with simplistic retorts that still dont address real problems even their most popular streamers are livid about. Stay off my posts please as you clearly are only here to play "devil's advocate" without anything of real merit to say.

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