Inter-Alliance Trading

Is there a way that we can implement a trading feature for alliances?
Obviously there are a lot of people that need things in the alliance, but don’t have the units, gold, catalysts, cash, etc. I feel that it would be a cool new feature to add to the game.
Unlike gifting, there can be restrictions for amount of items traded per alliance member. I feel that would be great! Additionally, you could treat it like seasons to where there are “trading windows” that are open for a time that your team can determine is adequate. I just feel that this will be great for alliance supporting other alliance members.
I know I need to play devil’s advocate and think that people will take advantage of this feature. With that in mind, I would suggest that restrictions are placed on new alliance members that could be joining and leaving. That is for your team to decide what is an appropriate time, but I think this could actually be a viable alternative to gifting. I also feel that this would be more effective than gifting.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks for your consideration!
Obviously there are a lot of people that need things in the alliance, but don’t have the units, gold, catalysts, cash, etc. I feel that it would be a cool new feature to add to the game.
Unlike gifting, there can be restrictions for amount of items traded per alliance member. I feel that would be great! Additionally, you could treat it like seasons to where there are “trading windows” that are open for a time that your team can determine is adequate. I just feel that this will be great for alliance supporting other alliance members.
I know I need to play devil’s advocate and think that people will take advantage of this feature. With that in mind, I would suggest that restrictions are placed on new alliance members that could be joining and leaving. That is for your team to decide what is an appropriate time, but I think this could actually be a viable alternative to gifting. I also feel that this would be more effective than gifting.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks for your consideration!
I’m sure kabam could come up with a logical implementation of this idea that would prevent abuse. Even adding units as a factor could help. Having the combination of short trading windows + minimum requirement for alliance membership (aka loyalty) + amount being traded + cost associated with the trade = a successful situation and no potential abuse.
I appreciate your input DiablosUltimate!
Clearly if restrictions were put in place, then abuse could’ve been prevented. Thanks for the input though!