145k Summoner looking for a long-term relaxed Alliance.

Samuel030sSamuel030s Member Posts: 126
Hello, my username is Samuel030s, if you're interested in recruiting me, friend me in-game or reply to this post. I'm an almost 150k player looking for a long-term Alliance I can grow with. I am willing to actively communicate in a LINE chat.
About me:
I am experienced player that joined MCoC right around the Age of Ultron event. I recently had a five month hiatus from the game spanning from the end of January to the beginning of this July. I have not spent any money on this game and I don't plan to.
My expectations: I want to join an Alliance that has similarly experienced players who have gone hardcore before and are now looking for semi-retirement. I am looking for an Alliance where every member is active in communication and doesn't slack in helping achieve event milestones. My preferences for an Alliance are these:
- No event minimums
- SA is reached at least every other week
- The focus of the Alliance is AW and AQ, but Maps 4+ are not consistently run
- The Alliance has active members who participate in events enough to get decent rewards
- Goals of the Alliance are to have fun and to help the members tackle higher end content
I know all this may seem demanding for someone of my Hero Rating, but I'm looking to grow in a long-term Alliance that I will be apart of for at least several months, if not years. Thanks for your time and consideration.


  • beaupoembeaupoem Member Posts: 443
    hey there, i think we might be a pretty good fit for you. our 2 founders are 270k+ used to be part of a hard core alliance before building up this one to help people grow. we run AQ 5 times a week (map 3) with the occasional AW tossed in until our members have enough strong champs to do both at the same time. we hit SA every week, and don't require event minimums. we do require everyone to be active and put in at least some points in the events, so we'd like members to let us know (we use Line to communicate) if they will be away for a few days.

    check us out if this sounds good! TMOMS is the alliance tag
  • Samuel030sSamuel030s Member Posts: 126
    I have found an Alliance and if all goes well, this post will no longer be relevant or needed.
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