Okay, yes. I know I'm way late to the party. There's a lot of things I haven't taken the time to do. I'm doing Chapter 4. Has anyone done it recently, or does anyone have a recent memory of it? Couple things. First of all, it's crazy laggy. Am I the only one seeing this, or did anyone else notice as well? Also, is the Evade on Spidey and NC usually that jacked up? Just wondering if that's how it's supposed to be. I know the content has been there a long time, and I'm just wondering if it's buggy, or I'm just seeing it now. Nodes are fair, so keep in mind I'm not writing a Complaint Post. Just looking for other peoples' experiences to normalize myself with it.
What squad are you running?
I didn’t find it too bad, but I know everyone’s experience is different.
I figure if you play as much as you do, just go iPhone, man. It’s worth it.
Told ya.
Wait....I have a direct message for you from Steve Jobs! WTF?! Directly from the grave! Crazy.
It says, “Have fun fighting OG Spidey and NC in RTTL two seconds after the fight is actually happening.”
Harsh, dead Steve Jobs. Harsh.