Doc Ock biology Bug

Hi there, I have a rank 4 5* Doc Ock that I regularly play. Since a few days I’m recognizing that his damage is quite low and stays low even when biology category is at 100. There is no attack increase happening at the moment which is really annoying. Please look into it and fix that.

Btw, I’m playing on an iPhone. Newest iOS version.


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    There should be. It works fine for me, at least
  • tweakbsdtweakbsd Member Posts: 19

    There should be. It works fine for me, at least

    At which rank is your Ock and how is your average basic attack damage output on medium and light attacks? Sure masteries let it vary from summoner to summoner but my Ock used to crit for over 3k on Mediums now I see 2.2k max.

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