**May 8th - HOT FIX INCOMING**
Hey Summoners,
A Hot Fix will be pushed to all stores shortly. This will address a bug causing crashes on some iOS devices. Please keep an eye out and update when you're able.
Thank you!

Uncollected Free Crystals & 5.4.4 Issue

RiderofHellRiderofHell Posts: 4,414 ★★★★★
First off Uncollected Free Crystals needs a buff i opened over 30 of those and 1 single revive and it was a lvl 1 lol.

Pressing matter at hand...i decided to take rage lane in 5.4.4 and i looked up online the rage lane and towards the end shows White Mags couple empty spots then you face Falcon but that aint the case because between White Mags and Falcon is AV. Idk if this was overlooked but the map needs updating for future summoners who will do 5.4.4
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