Let's make arena great again

Hello everyone,
I used to do arena, but i stopped doing them after a while. I have things going on that prevents me from doing them at the moment.
I want this small thing added before I start doing them again. Well, i should say, i hope this thing can be added to the game. I need those battle chips. Lol
In the selection phrase when you can select champs and request for help. Can you add a "request all" icon on the top left or right side of the screen?
I get tired of clicking all of the individual boxes. The is a short pause between clicks and time build up. I would rather fight and leave those green boxes there.
To make my suggestion clear: please add a "request all" icon in arena.
Arena -> select 3 champs -> complete fights -> next series -> click on "request all" icon -> any champ with a green icon gets clicked on.
So rather than clicking 30 individual champs 1 by 1.
1 click can do 30 champs.
Thank you.
I used to do arena, but i stopped doing them after a while. I have things going on that prevents me from doing them at the moment.
I want this small thing added before I start doing them again. Well, i should say, i hope this thing can be added to the game. I need those battle chips. Lol
In the selection phrase when you can select champs and request for help. Can you add a "request all" icon on the top left or right side of the screen?
I get tired of clicking all of the individual boxes. The is a short pause between clicks and time build up. I would rather fight and leave those green boxes there.
To make my suggestion clear: please add a "request all" icon in arena.
Arena -> select 3 champs -> complete fights -> next series -> click on "request all" icon -> any champ with a green icon gets clicked on.
So rather than clicking 30 individual champs 1 by 1.
1 click can do 30 champs.
Thank you.