My account has been compromised

On July 27,2017 my account was hacked and all my 4☆, 5☆, and a couple 3☆ champs were sold 2.4k units gone t4b and tech t4cc gone. I have contacted the kabam support team only to keep getting the run around. Then as seen in the document below I was strongly encouraged to come forth and explain what had happened to my account so I did so only to not have heard anything back now. Am I being ignored? Is the 27 months I've played this game all for nothing? All the time and money spent there all just just a means of charity? How is this fair? How is it justified? I've never shared my account info with nobody and the day I leave (mdev) mine and another ally mate accounts gone like they never existed also the ally we were going to deleted? Is this how Kabam treats loyal customers? I would like to know who I can contact so (also posted in the document below) that no such thing will go unnoticed? But when provided with that document I get the silent treatment. Any help would b greatly appreciated


  • euders2euders2 Member Posts: 1
    isso aconteceu cmg tmb era dono de uma aliança milhonaria tinha meus 3 estrela no max perdi em um certo dia ao tentar entrar fui bloqueado perdi acesso a conta fui expulso da aliança entao começei novamente em outra conta recentemente consegui recuperar o acesso entao entrei em contato com a equipe do jogo para saber se tem como unificar as contas acho interressante se tivesse a possibilidade de vc doar seus herois a outros recrutadores trocar por recursos com os outros nao essa industria de insatisfaçoes que virou esse jogo
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