Is the a new glitch in the game. Has anyone else noticed it

Basically what happens is against some champs if you finish a combo and go for a parry and they use a medium attack you can't parry them. However if they use a light attack you can parry. The problem is that if you delay your parry assuming they will use a medium attack and they use a light attack you get hit. I have video evidence. Skip to 38 seconds and watch it. There is another time it happens further on. Is this just me or are others having this. Please help. Thanks.


  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    The vid is too long
  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    Now it says format isn't allowed
  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    In trying to send the video but it won't let me
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    U hav to uploads it to YouTube then pots the link
  • The_WatcherThe_Watcher Member Posts: 148
    Upload in YouTube and post the link..
  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    OK thanks
  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    Can you please tell me if you see what I mean.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    its not really i bug i think. Medium attacks and light attacks have slightly different animation timings. You notice that it takes a medium hit a split second longer to actually hit you than a light hit. So this is where your parry timing comes into play. If your parry timing is tuned to parry a light attack, but the opponent uses a medium hit, your block which was meant to parry a light attack becomes too early for parrying a medium attack, which results in you blocking the medium rather than parrying.
  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    That's not the problem. The thing is that the delay is a lot longer. Watch how long it takes for her to actually use the medium attack. It is stupid. It wasn't like this last month and I have never noticed anything like this for the past 3years
  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    Has anyone else had this happen to them? I think some in my alliance have. I play on an honor play android 9
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    trying hitting she hulk with a light or medium if she does a medium
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    There are so many glitches and bugs after the update , there is a chance that everyone missed it :disappointed:
    But yes after a 5 hit combo you should be able to parry :/
  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    Here you go
  • LightMagiciansLightMagicians Member Posts: 42

    Basically what happens is against some champs if you finish a combo and go for a parry and they use a medium attack you can't parry them. However if they use a light attack you can parry. The problem is that if you delay your parry assuming they will use a medium attack and they use a light attack you get hit. I have video evidence. Skip to 38 seconds and watch it. There is another time it happens further on. Is this just me or are others having this. Please help. Thanks.

    Yes I am experiencing the same. I don't know what caused it to change but something did.

    When standing next to them, on their medium hit they kind of now slide forward before the hit makes contact. I noticed this instantly after the update.

    Try fighting RoL WS and CM and watch their medium attacks while in close proximity, you'll see.
  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    Yh that is the glitch. It is stupidly annoying because it means you can't get anther combo in. Because it won't parry
  • ZAQZAQ Member Posts: 35
    Yh that is the glitch
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  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    I was blocking the same time as last month which was giving me a parry
  • LightMagiciansLightMagicians Member Posts: 42
    Do any mods know about this bug yet? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious
  • VancexClaRiiVancexClaRii Member Posts: 178
    I think this is the result of frame rate drops/lag, imo. :disappointed:
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