No access to other champs for questing

Shin0638Shin0638 Member Posts: 36

I know you can't use the same champs for multiple quests which is fine but when I try to do any other quest, it doesn't give me the option to create another team. It specifically states in the game to build up other champs for this reason. I'm at an impass because I'm nearly to the boss in 5.2.3 and working to build up units to finish it out. I can't quit because I don't want to lose my progress. I've built a good roster to allow access to all the game content but it's not letting me use it. Any help in fixing this would be greatly appreciated.


  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, only one Story/Event Quest can be active at one time, but not one of each. However, you can still be in a Story or Event Quest and still participate in Arenas, Alliance Quests, and Alliance Wars at the same time though. If you're looking to build up Units to finish out the quest, Arenas would be helpful for that. Hope that helps clear things up!
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