An Option To Turn On/Off Extra Animation/Particle Effects?

LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
Can we Please get an Option in Settings to choose whether or not we want Extra Animation/Particle Effects in Fights On or Off? Because for the 80% of us that don't have the best device to play the game on, Fighting/Using Champions (for example) like Howard The Duck (when getting hit), Omega Red (when Death Field is active), New Captain Marvel (when Binary Ignition is active), Dormammu (when charging a Heavy and a couple other times), Killmonger (when hitting/getting hit while Reverberation is active), Mr Sinister (charging a Heavy, using Specials, and a few other times), Red Skull (Blocking and using Specials), even the newly added Human Torch (always, non stop!), and many more Lag the Game to an extreme amount causing a little or a lot of Frame Rate Dropping and Delayed Controls (In some cases, such as Human Torch, makes fights almost Unbeatable because they can start Attack you Mid getting hit by your Combo because the Delay in Controls give them an opening)! I love a good looking game as much as the next guy, though I don't know about you, but if I have to choose between some Extra Animation/Particles and a Smoother Running Game... I'll go Smoother Gameplay everytime!

Please just let us choose! There are some people who Love/Want the Extra Animation/Particle Effects, and some people who Hate/Don't Want the Extra Animation/Particle Effects. So instead of catering to one side, why can't you just let us choose, there by making everyone happy?
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