Immunities - champion needs

As debuffs like shock and incinerate become more and more prevalent I feel it necessary to bring up some old issues.
IE GR not being incinerate immune when his head is on fire.
Similar to the changes you made to shock on characters like Jane, Nebula etc. Please go back and update incinerate to truly reflect what a champions immunities should be. As well as any current and future debuffs yet to be visible in the contest.
Being more diligent in this area is something the whole community benefits from and levels the playing field in all game modes.
Thank you
As debuffs like shock and incinerate become more and more prevalent I feel it necessary to bring up some old issues.
IE GR not being incinerate immune when his head is on fire.
Similar to the changes you made to shock on characters like Jane, Nebula etc. Please go back and update incinerate to truly reflect what a champions immunities should be. As well as any current and future debuffs yet to be visible in the contest.
Being more diligent in this area is something the whole community benefits from and levels the playing field in all game modes.
Thank you
Already been discussed tons of times. Not going to happen
Disregard anything you see.
There you have it. No reason for him to be immune.
He is if the creators want him to be, and that's it.
Not just GR it was an example. Ice another perfect example.
The same flames as mephisto
And guess what
Mephisto is immune to incinerate