Read this if you're complaining about wanting a nerf.
Member Posts: 27 ★
Typical complaint, Please nerf ......., because he or she is to hard to beat.
My answer to you is, please play with an alliance that is appropriate for your ability and champs or even play with a much weaker alliance. Then you will be able to beat everyone you fight and you won't be on here complaining about not being able to beat someone.
So tired of the whiners and complainers.
My answer to you is, please play with an alliance that is appropriate for your ability and champs or even play with a much weaker alliance. Then you will be able to beat everyone you fight and you won't be on here complaining about not being able to beat someone.
So tired of the whiners and complainers.
This discussion has been closed.
Deal with it and stop whinging about whinging posts.
Mordo: power gain
Hyperion: power gain
magik: limbo should not scale
Psylocke: cap charges
Voodoo: cap loas
Dormmammu: degen should not trigger with dexterity
NC: evade
BW: needs more critical damage
HB: needs arc overload or special ability
WS: sp3 different from punisher
CYC: armor break should last longer
Nebula: cap charges
Iceman: coldsnap should not scale
Magneto: needs 100 percent bleed on sp1
Carnage: needs attack increase and cruelty
SL: needs a cap at 200 hits
To be continued.......
He needs his loas capped.
Lots of people use him. That means he's too good.
I have a better idea - you need to find a new game.
WHY VOODOO? His loas are basically an intermediate phase between being placed and having either power drain/burn or poison
The fact he placed them between 10% and 20% of the time would actually make them weaker and less freaquent than the output on say… GWENPOOL Bleeds!
Except the damage LOOKS far greater because instead of them all ticking randomly you are forced to trigger any number of them at the same time which means that the actual damage doesn't change but the perceived damage is "huge"
Mordo- easily countered if you play well (intercept, bait heavies, heavy attack when he is in defensive power gain phase) or bring in a power, buff or damage control champ ( vision, magik, ghost rider, loki, hood, dormammu, psylock, iceman, doctor voodoo etc)
Hyperion- easily countered if you play well (intercept, bait heavies, bait sp1s exclusively) or bring in a power, buff or damage control champ ( vision, magik, ghost rider, loki, hood, dormammu, psylock, iceman, doctor voodoo etc)
Magik- difficult yes but counterable with magik, guillotine, OG vision, elektra, gwenpool, archangel, dr voodoo etc. She has actually gotten easier as people have figured out strategies I recently soloed a rank 4 5 star magik as a AW boss with a 5/50 gwenpool and I am in no way a perfect player
Psylocke- No need to cap charges doesn't make her overpowered in anyway offensively or defensively she is generally regarded as an above average but nothing crazy champion so theres no need to nerf her.
Voodoo- Loas act just like how any other champion that stack tons of bebuffs work just because he places his poison all at once doesn't make him over powered wolverine, gwenpool, and archangel all place more debuffs than dr voodoo does throughout most matches and do the same if not more damage theres no need to cap loas you wouldn't cap gwenpool or archangels bleed so voodoo should be no different
Dormammu- Again difficult but fully counterable, vision, magik, rogue and dormammu constantly control his power so you can keep him against the wall and not need to dash back and proc dexterity. Captain america and quake's playstyle also makes you less dependent of dashing back and procing dexterity. In fact it is still doable to solo 5 star dorms in AW if you play very well with most champions if you are very skilled at intercepting and shallow evades
Nightcrawler- Evade is not a problem if you play well just stun and then attack, do 4 hit combos then dash back and repeat so even when he evades he can't hit you back right away or simply turn off his evade stance which isn't very difficult to do and then you won't have to worry about evade.
Black widow- She was never a super high damage character just giving her more crit rate wouldn't really do much for the character or her damage output it would be a unnecessary change
Hulkbuster- I agree he is pretty terrible and would benefit from some sort of buffing
Winter Soldier- Completely unnessecary fix SP3 animation doesn't do anything to the character
Cyclops- There is nothing wrong with his armour break duration if timed right you can get another sp1 off while the armour breaks from a previous sp1 are up he is mean't for burst damage so super long armour breaks like king groots doesn't fit the characters use nor is he bad enough to warrant any buffing of his armour breaks.
Nebula- You have to take a lot of block damage and it takes a long time to build up stacks of shock, its a hindrance to the character enough without lowering the cap to her shocks making her even worse
Iceman- Coldsnap is much like Electro on enhanced health nodes he really isn't that difficult and counterable with certain champions like rogue and AV and most regen champions.
Magneto- Bleed up 100% wouldn't make the character better enough for him to be a played champion even with 100% bleed he would be subpar and thats just the way he is. He's useful for his awakened utility but thats about it
Carnage- Yes he is bad but support has already said the game team is already looking at the champion for possible buffs
SL - Star lord is a very skill intensive character and how powerful he can be is in direct proportion to how well you can play. If you can play well and keep up a good combo then he is very powerful so capping him at 200 hits is very unnessecary as he is not broken in any way like thor and scarlett witch pre 12.0, starlord takes skill to use unlike those character pre nerf. It would just disadvantage the community as a whole since LOL would be much harder than it already is now.
Most of your suggestions are completely unnessecary and not very well thought out there are champions that would benefit from certain buffs but asking for nerfs does no good to the community please concentrate on trying to better the game rather than try to change characters to support your own needs
A few on your list could stand to be nerfed, EVER SO SLIGHTLY, for the most part the majority of your list is meaningless as it's VASTLY under developed. Give it up WWII the inclusion of Voodoo on your list is just icing that you don't care
A bit selfish, don't you think?
What you're suggesting is throwing the entire game off so all Champs lose their unique characteristics.
Wasn't that the point of flat values?
If capping Voodoo's loas won't change his abilities how does that change anything?
Literally LOOK at Wolverine or X23 or Gwenpool or… anyone with a basic Bleed
20% chance to poison
25% chance to bleed on average
Also given such an extreme duration the damage is spread over an even longer duration anyways
Also he's really frail outside his beginning regen so even Wolverine and X23 out Damage him quickly and have far better sustain… then GP is infamous for her Deep Wounds giving her a little over 50% boost to bleed damage which is already insane
You need more evidence and experience that can persuade Kabam.
How is capping sl damage at 200 hits bad. He still will be very powerful.
You need to realize this game needs balance. You want to comment about my suggestions but you offer no solution.
For the record i used 4 star SL for a couple of LOL runs and my combo was never higher than 200.
Modifying someone so that they can't be as good is a nerf.
Dont worry my brother i am working on the full master list
Ot It's more of a why? Kabam is not making content designed to combat these champs so why nerf? Voodoo has one counter that makes him almost worthless called poision immune and star lord is fine as is no real reason to nerf him who would benefit from nerfing sl just because you feel he hits to hard?
I completely and respectfully disagree with your sentiment. You can have your own opinion, that does not mean mine should be like yours.
The game will be balanced. I have faifth in kabam!
Balance should be achieved by buffing bad champs, which hurts no one. Not nerfing good champs, which would hurt us all.
Awnser my question who benefits from the nerfs u suggested?
If you cap the amount of bleeds gwenpool can proc than that is a modification that lowers the power of a champion so yes capping voodoo's loas is nerfing and a useless one at that because he is not broken in anyway he looks like he has crazy poison damage but thats because he procs them all at one not one at a time throughout the fight. Don't say to nerf a champion so it doesn't effect you but does effect players who can play the champion better than you, in many fights throughout Labyrinth if you play very well it is very possible to reach past 200 combos with a 5* starlord. Just because you don't have 5* starlord and can't get past a 200 combo don't say to nerf the champion because again it would be a pointless nerf, he is not broken in anyway and changing him in no way would benefit the game. You would be upset if his combo was capped at 100 just because some player who isn't as good as you told kabam he never gets combos higher than 100 with starlord wouldn't you. Im sorry but you have no leg to stand on your ideas just don't benefit the game. The reason the so many nerfs came in 12.0 was because certain champions required no skill to use and was making content far too easy for people who had these champions. These champions do not exist anymore, sure there are still very powerful champions but there are nodes that counter them and the champions still take a great deal of skill to use whining about nerfs just make you seem like a whiner and annoys the majority of the community that don't agree with you.
How other then make difficult content more difficult how would people benefit