Annihilus / Memphisto interaction
Member Posts: 445 ★★
Annihilus control rod is a Buff. As such, Mephisto’s soul imprisonment at the start of the fight should prevent it from activating (just like it does with Ice Armor). This isn’t working.
Video above. Soul imprisonment should prevent ALL buffs from activating.
But I do agree that soul imprisonment should avoid it, since it works after and before the buff triggers (guess in this case, is not working when they trigger at the same time).
Same issue happens against other champion's that trigger buffs at the start of the fight
Soul Imprisonment prevents them all from activating.
Cosmic control rod is a BUFF -- therefore it should not activate against Mephisto.
There are other examples where it doesn't work, For example, fightning against KG and DV, and even buffs provided by node abilities
King Groot above..
That ability in reality is an Ability Reduction. A 100% Ability Accuracy Reduction to nullify all buff at the start of a fight.
With an awaken DV, he has an additional 100% Ability Accuracy on top of the 100% chance to trigger regen at the start of a fight. So he has 200% Ability Accuracy.
You do the math man.
100% Ability Accuracy Reduction of Mephisto minus 200% Ability Accuracy of DV will equal to 100% Ability Accuracy left on DV.
So, Mephisto's Soul Imprisonment is not broken. It's just can't win over an awaken DV's ability accuracy.
If DV is not awaken then Mephisto can nullify the regen.
Mephistos soul imprisonments does not nullify buffs, it prevents them from activating. It’s easy to verify, duel... Howard the Duck. Nullify will activate MD (hint, it doesn’t).
Please let’s keep this thread focused specifically on Annihilus. Feel free to open a separate thread to discuss Voodoo.
@Kabam Lyra , any word on this yet? Thanks !