Hey all I want to discuss the uncollected void

Hello fellow summoner's I have been playing this game almost religiously for a long time but my roster isn't the best with the majority of my pulls being meme tier (not all of them but the vast majority) for instance I'm still missing even a 4* blade/domino and i don't even wanna mention my 5* champs (IP KK groot etc) and the reason i bring this up is. The only counter to void i have in my roster that i can think of (or only buffet counter) is AA (4* sig 50) but the uncollected void is BLEED immune. I gotta say it. These nodes on void are probably the most fun and interactive nodes i have seen i a very long time. Im willing to take any tips on champs to use for him. Thanks in advance friends 👌
2) we cannot offer knowledge of counters without knowledge of your roster. The biggest thing is to save your x10 hit for right after you get his debuff, stop on the 9s and hold out.
Sharing your roster might help.
Keep your combo counter at 9s so you can quickly purge the next debuff with a hit.
Works like a charm
Heal block negates the buffet node
Plus face me brings some healing back
Yondu SP1
She Hulk SP2 (petrify)
Gulk SP1
CapIW with Tech Synergy (petrify) are a few to name