Iptf recruiting for 2 spots
Aq maps 4,4,3,3,3
Gold 2 tier 9 war
We are a tight knit alli and official sister alli to rh4h. Recruiting for 2 spots for the season. We've 2 members moving up to aq map 6 alli's thus the need for replacement. Hit us up a.s.a.p.
We hit most if not all of our alli events. Averaging 400-500k weekly on s.a. So we are chilled yet active
Line app is compulsory
Preferrably 200k pi and above
Active communication
Aq n war compulsory
Ign: crispychickenfeet
Line id: jooboob83
Aq maps 4,4,3,3,3
Gold 2 tier 9 war
We are a tight knit alli and official sister alli to rh4h. Recruiting for 2 spots for the season. We've 2 members moving up to aq map 6 alli's thus the need for replacement. Hit us up a.s.a.p.
We hit most if not all of our alli events. Averaging 400-500k weekly on s.a. So we are chilled yet active
Line app is compulsory
Preferrably 200k pi and above
Active communication
Aq n war compulsory
Ign: crispychickenfeet
Line id: jooboob83