Tough one... against the quicker buffed champions Void but it wouldnt be a bad choice to go with the glave. I have 3/40 Void and 4/40 glave and the charges with glave let you easily blow through just about any quest or arena. Having the willpower mastery offsets the bleeds and such. Both are beyond-god level it’s just more work with void but he is more flexible if you can’t get the persistent charges for Glave. Fully powered though void no doubt.
Void and 4/40 glave and the charges with glave let you easily blow through just about any quest or arena. Having the willpower mastery offsets the bleeds and such. Both are beyond-god level it’s just more work with void but he is more flexible if you can’t get the persistent charges for Glave. Fully powered though void no doubt.
Glave (unduped)