Instinctive touch

To borrow from Dave, instinctive touch seems to be impossible lately. By that I mean the AI just seems erratic. Never doing what you expect them to do. They don’t charge, attack, throw heavies or specials when you expect them to. Using specials while you’re blocking… Sometimes they instantly through heavy sometimes they charge them longer. They just sit there blocking for what seems like an eternity …They seem to be charging twice as fast as normal as well so dexing away from them in a reactionary fashion is difficult. I’m getting hit as i’m Dashing back trying to anticipate their charge (to compensate)... list goes on. This isn’t even getting into the “known Bugs”. I don’t think this is my imagination. I haven’t just gotten really bad at this game all of a sudden, have I…?
Even the MLLM 4 hit strategy has the ai now mostly holding block and sitting back.
He sat in the corner holding block. Can't hit him with a heavy or take thorns damage. Can't bait by hitting into his block otherwise he goes unstoppable/unblockable. Fight was literally just stand there and watch your champ degen to death while Korg cowered in the corner. If you walk in and dash back, he would have perfect dash attack timing and hit you every time.
Normally Uncollected fights are quite aggressive and landing a hit every 6 seconds isn't a problem. Every single Brute Force fight on that path was painfully passive.
I’m not trying to start an conspiracy theories or anything but it would be most logical and understandable why they decide to give AI an buff as we players are evolving more and more